La Federación Española de Sociedades de Informática (SCIE) otorga el Premio Mare Nostrum 2015 a s|ngular Meaning. Se la reconoce como referente tecnológico y empresa española líder en la creación de software para extraer el significado de todo tipo de contenido multimedia. logo-scie

Este premio se concede anualmente a una empresa consolidada en el ámbito de la ingeniería informática. Se valora el dinamismo y el impacto nacional e internacional de la misma, así como su apuesta por la I+D+i.

Entre los productos de la compañía, el jurado destaca Stilus como una tecnología dirigida a profesionales de la lengua y a aquellos interesados en producir textos de calidad. Pero además de medios de comunicación y editoriales, s|ngular Meaning tiene clientes en otros sectores como el financiero y el farmacéutico donde aplica con éxito su tecnología lingüística de búsqueda y extracción de información.


Translated by Luca De Filippis

The last weekend, in Madrid, Casa del Lector was the best scenario to celebrate Lenguando: the first national meeting on language and technology. The pioneering initiative, brought successfully to reality by our colleagues at Molino de Ideas, Cálamo & Cran and Xosé Castro, was driven, among other sponsors, by Daedalus‘s Stilus.

XoseStilusThe spirit of the conference was to bring together in the same space translators, proofreaders, philologists and other communication and language professionals, with an emphasis on the technological revolution of the sector, among other issues.

The talks about the advances in language technology and the simultaneous workshops on their practical application were the most anticipated. In particular, the workshop given in the main auditorium by Concepción Polo (who’s writing this post) on behalf of the team of Stilus was one of the most anticipated by the attendees, according to the organization.

Corpus Linguistics applied to proofreading

LenguandoWith the intention of presenting innovative content and above all practical, in the workshop we considered the possible applications of Corpus Linguistics (CL) in the specific area of professional automatic proofreading.


How many times have we heard statements like these on “poor automatic spell checkers”? In the age of semantic technology it is time to change attitude:


1. The automatic spell checker corrects things that should not… The know-it-all

Has the spell checker ever cheated you? In order to avoid it, you just need to configure it in the right way. You must be sure that it is proofreading in the correct language (in Portuguese livro is not a ‘book’!) and that, if were, the option “Autocorrect” is not selected. We must not lose control over the proofreading process! By following some advice, you will avoid that the application will give you unpleasant surprises.

Damn spell checker! A misunderstanding causes the closing of two schools in Georgia

Someone sent the following message: “Gunna be at west hall today”, that is to say: “Today I will be at West Hall”. However, the automatic spell checker didn’t work properly and sent the following message: “Gunman be at west hall today”, that is to say: “Armed man in the West Hall today”. Moreover, the person who sent the message dialed the wrong number and sent it to another recipient. As a consequence, who received the message got scared and went to the police, who, for security reasons, considered closing the two schools of the area. [Continue reading…]
